Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November color

The sunset picture I just took (yes it is 4:30), and the cove picture I took a couple hours ago. We have had astronomical high tides the past week. The cove picture was actually an hour after high tide. You can see the debris on the boat launch....there is absolutely no beach at high tide! I thought the water was going to cross the road some days. And the floats and boats are all pulled up on the beach for the winter. The lobster men are still fishing, although the extreme winds have kept them in most of the week. We had a "rogue" storm Sunday night that knocked out power and caused considerable damage. It seems we have had many damaging wind storms this season.

But, the sunsets in the fall are really spectacular, even if they are in the afternoon. We have had extremely good weather this year despite the storms. Wonder what is in store for winter?

Well, Matt drained the water at the Inn today, and turned off all heat and gas. The building is ready for it's off season nap. I am sure Matt and Aimee will wake it up often to do the off season maintenance.

Reservations continue to come in for next season....we must be approaching 30% full. Give us a call is you would like to come visit. Also, remember that a Log Cabin Inn gift certificate makes a great holiday present!

"Til next time, Sue