Thursday, August 19, 2021

Dining out


Hope everyone is well. Just wanted to give you all a heads up if you are planning to come stay with us. Restaurants everywhere have had a very difficult time this year. Staffing is the biggest problem. Some have closed.....some have cut their hours considerably. 

So, it is wise to call ahead to find out if your favorite restaurant is open, and what their hours are. The ones that are open are extremely busy, so you may have to wait for a table.

We have printed up a sheet of places in this area and surrounding area with telephone numbers. Just email us if you would like us to send one to you.

And, we do serve dinner to room guests only, every day from 6-6:30. However, you do need to order by 3 pm each day so we can prep and staff accordingly. Actually, if you gave us even more notice, we would really appreciate it. There are only 6 of us and we do eveything from cook to serve, to clean etc.

Hope to see you. We are open until the last weekend in October!
