So much goes on in the Summer you can barely blink and what you wanted to do is over because you were doing some other fantastic event. It would be next to impossible to list every activity but some of the Highlights of my Summer have been most recently the 77th Annual BI Tuna Tournament. This was a stellar year for Tuna. They landed 13 Tuna and the largest being 751 lbs. This is also when the Boys have their tournament as well. They all got quite a few mackerel and all got new rods and lures for their efforts. They were on the Hunt for a Big Striper but none to be found before the buzzer rang. In Maine you are allowed 1 striper a day and it has to measure 28".
There was a Quilt Show on Orrs Island, the Art Shows on Orrs and Great Island. We went to the Music Man at Maine State Theater, Bowdoin College. It was amazing, if you are here in the Summer it is well worth seeing this Professional Theater. The Bean Hole Supper is this Sat at Mitchell Field which is hosted by the Boy Scouts and is really an adventure to watch. Another great thing at Mitchell Field is the Thursday Night Concerts in the new Bandstand.
Maine Maritime Museum has opened a new Lobster Exhibit. It is the largest exhibit in the State and covers such a variety of topics on lobstering and lobsters. This is a must see along with the Boat ride from the Museum on the Kennebec River.
The sunset sails on the Alert have been postcard perfect. Last night the Sun was bright red as the boat was sailing by. Another note worthy event is that Cooks Lobster House was bought after 60 years in the same family. The new owners are young and have young children. Nick and Jen are very nice and have already made some great changes, along with the name Cooks Lobster and Ale House. Next time you visit head down and say Hello.
With temps in the high 80's the AC in the rooms will be getting a work out today. We still have some availability for August so if you are in one of those States where it is 110deg head to Maine for some cool fresh air.