I guess I must have forgotten about September because there seems to have been no blog, whoops!
I didn't really forget about it but it went by so fast. We had No Vacancy the whole month and we were busy every night at dinner. The beginning of October seems to be the same. We have had No Vacancy almost every night so far. It has been one big summer. The weather has been like summer as well. We will take days in the high 70's and some 80's in October. I am still sleeping with the windows open at night and thankfully haven't needed to turn the furnace on. The dahlia's are loving this weather, cool at night and warm during the day. I think we may have blossoms until Thanksgiving.
This Saturday the 14th the Town is celebrating Harpswell Days. I went last year and it was quite interesting. They had demonstrations on woodworking, basket weaving, butter churning ,quilting, beekeeping, knitting lobster trap heads, making herbal remedies and lots more. I especially liked the tour of the old cemetery and the Meeting House. There were some cool artifacts in the museum and we even got to press cider. This is all located on RT 123 at Harpswell Center. If you are not around this weekend you could always see the cemetery and Meeting Hall on another visit.
Update on Cedar Beach is they had a successful season with the parking and beach monitoring done by the Town. You can access the beach as a guest of the Log Cabin. There are several parking spots before the walking path down there but your best bet is to just park at the Inn and walk down. This time of year you would have the place to yourself and no problem parking.
The season is starting to wind down. The Cribstone Grill is closed, Salt Cod Café is closed, The Alert just did their last sail. The Dolphin is open Thur-Sun but will close the same weekend we do on October 29th. Lands End is open now but I believe will go to just weekends in November and December. I am glad that the candy store is still open! It doesn't even feel like fall yet except for the leaves changing and the sun setting sooner. We have had an amazing season so far and look forward to the next two weeks. There is still time to get in one more visit.