Monday, June 3, 2024

Long term guests

 We have many guests that return year after year. Right now we have a guest that used to come here when we were a restaurant. Then he and his wife came with their daughters for years when we became an inn. Now they are here with their grown daughters, son in laws, and 7 grandchildren!  That's a long history.

We do have many guests that have come for years, some decades. To me, it does not seem possible that we have been here that long. I guess when you love what you do, time flies. Certainly, my body reminds me that I have been here for a long time. A few more aches and pains. But, being an innkeeper is a satisfying job. Having guests come, relax, and thoroughly enjoy is a rewarding profession. I am blessed.

Hope you are all well.


Friday, May 17, 2024

Almost full!

 It is a beautiful day here on Bailey Island. All the spring flowers and trees are in full bloom, grass recently mowed. 

We only have one room left tonight....and from here on we are quite busy for the rest of the year. We are ready!!

My youngest grandson, Josh graduates from high school this year (Matt and Aimee's youngest son). Where did the years go? I am fortunate to have my family so close.  Living in Harpswell is a hard place to leave, so neither of my sons did. 

I just went through the check-ins for today.  Only one rooms is a first time guest. I am not sure what I return rate is for guests, but it is very high. We must be doing something right!

If you have not visited, or are looking to return, give us a call!

Hope you are all well,


Wednesday, April 17, 2024


 HI there!

Guess I got busy last year and ignored the blog! My was quite a year.

So, we are beginning our 44th year. We opened April 5th. For those of you who are not familiar with Bailey Island, we had an extremely bad winter.  Four very large storms, that did unprecedented damage the shoreline. Fortunately, we do live on granite, so it can only do so much. 

And, fortunately, our Inn sits on the top of the island, so we were fine. Things are slowly getting repaired. There are contractors working on the bridge, which was full of debris, and a few granite blocks were moved. They are scheduled to complete the repairs by the end of May.

The yard here is looking lovely as usual. Bulbs are blossoming, grass is nice and green. Almost time to start planting annuals! We have had a lovely sunny week this week, which is a treat after the nasty winter and spring.

Our crew this year is Matt, Aimee, CC , Sophie (she is new, and wonderful), and myself. As all are aware, it is impossible to find employees.  So, our team is strong, once again.  We look forward to seeing all of you. We have rooms available if you haven't reserved, but they are filling up fast.

Hope you are all well,


Friday, May 5, 2023

44th Season

 Well, we are off! Month two of our 44th season here on Bailey Island.

It is beautiful out, grass is green, sun is out....after a week plus of rain, drizzle, fog and gray skies.

I thought it may be fun to explain why we named our nine rooms.

The Wiseman room was named after the gentleman we bought the building from in 1979. John Wiseman of Lewiston owned the original building and used it as a summer home. The trophies on the walls of the dining room are all his. He was a very successful businessman.

The York room is named after my sons, Matt and Adam York. When we opened as a restaurant in 1980, we lived upstairs over the kitchen for a few years.  The little sitting room was Adams bedroom, and the kitchen area was Matts bedroom.

The Merriconeag is named after the body of water that all of the rooms look out at. I had wanted to name the restaurant that, but my Dad convinced me that no one would be able to pronounce it, or spell it! And back in 1980, we relied on phone books to look up places!

The Sunset room is named obviously after the Sunset....which when the weather cooperates, all of the rooms have superb views of our very varied and beautiful sunsets.

The Westview is named because all of the rooms have a westerly view. By the way, when we were a restaurant, the Westview room was our bakery and prep kitchen.

The Mt Washington room is named after the mountain in New Hampshire, which on a clear day we can see. It is almost 90 miles from here in a straight line. During the summer, the sun sets almost directly behind it.

Casco Bay is named after the large Bay that surrounds our island. Supposedly there are 365 islands in Casco Bay, known as the Calendar islands.

The Blue fin room is named after the Blue fin tuna, that is often caught in our area. For years the island has hosted a Tuna tournament. And, there is a Blue fin mounted on the wall in the dining room.

And finally, the Harpswell room is named after the town we are part of. Bailey Island, Orrs Island, Great Island, Cundys Harbor and South Harpswell are all part of the town of Harpswell.

So, that is how they were named. Guests seem to have their favorite rooms for various reasons. The nice thing is that they all have a great view! We still have a few openings. If you haven't reserved yet give us a call!

Hope you are all well!


Monday, September 5, 2022

Labor Day

   It is the unofficial end of summer. And our first day of heavy rain this season. We have been in a moderate drought for months now. So, perhaps todays rain will improve that.

   September is my favorite month of the cools down a bit, air is usually super clear. We do not slow down here at the inn however. We are almost 100% full all month. There is a day here and there open. 

  Our gardens suffered with the drought. They should rebound after todays rain. As we are on a well, we have been very cautious about watering. As many of you know, gardens are my passion. I am already planning for next years gardens! 

   We will close the last weekend of October. There is room still in October if you would like to visit. Give us a call! We would love to have you.

   It's a good life on Bailey Island!


Friday, June 3, 2022

2 Months so far

 Well, the first two months flew by! Everything has gone well this spring. We have been busy, seen many of our regulars and met some new folks! 

Serving more dinners than usual. But this week Salt Cod is open, and 2 new places (Sundrenched and Fishnet cafe are suppose to open). Cooks and Dolphin are open as well.

The gardens are once again spectacular.....tulips and daffodils put on a great show. Now it's the iris and azaleas turn. Our popular dahlias are planted, but they take awhile. 

Our pool is open as well. Weather has not been very warm yet, so it is waiting to be christened for the season. 

We do have a little space left this summer, more in the fall. So, give us a call or shoot us a email.

Hope you all are well!


Friday, April 1, 2022

42nd year

 Here we go! Season 42 starts today. It is very hard to believe that we have been here so long. And I have to say, I still LOVE this place, this job, the guests, and of course my crew!

Matt and Aimee were very busy over the winter doing repairs, taking reservations, cleaning everything in sight. And it shows. The place looks wonderful. 

We are extremely full already. So, if you are looking to stay with us, call soon. The phone is crazy busy. Emailing us is the easiest way to connect. Just go to the web site and fill out the contact us form.

Look forward to seeing all of you! Hope you are all well.

All my best,
