Friday, March 20, 2009

Hurray! It is Spring!

Finally, the 20th of March,first day of Spring! It is also my sister-in-law Janes birthday!

This is the most exciting first day of spring ever! The snow is disappearing and the bulbs are popping up. Bailey Island is warming up--local seasonal restaurants are opening (Giant Stairs, Fat Boys). There is over 12 hours of daylight--what more can we ask for?

Matt turned the water on at the Inn yesterday. Aimee has most of the rooms ready to go. It is even time to call the beer and wine distributors! I will bring the reservation book back to the Inn from my winter desk here at my house--that is a sure sign of our opening.....2 weeks from today.

Come visit us at the Log Cabin Island Inn--we look forward to seeing you! Sue

Monday, March 16, 2009

Beautiful day

Here are some pictures of the bridge construction taken yesterday--a beautiful winter day!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Maine scallops

I received a phone call last night around 8pm, from Terence, a local fisherman. He said "Sue, I have your scallops!" I asked do you want me to get them right now? He said no, morning was okay...I asked if he would bring them, or should I go to his house....we have purchased scallops from him for years. Anyhow, he said he would bury them in the snow for the night and leave the shovel. I asked if I should leave a check in the door....he said no because of the dog. When I asked if the dog would leave the scallops alone, but eat the check....he replied, no he might eat you!

So, I went to his house this morning, saw a big snow bank and a shovel, but could not find the scallops. I did hear the dog in the house. I rang the bell to see if his wife was there--she was. Good thing, as she moved the shovel and it took us a long time to find the scallops! (Terence had also warned me that I may need 4 wheel drive to get in his driveway--it is mud season).

This is one thing I love about living in Maine. You can get the freshest seafood, from a local fisherman--and it is always an adventure!

The fishing industry in Maine has been hit hard with the recession. First, the lobstermen could not sell their lobsters, and the market went south...and when they did, the price was ridiculously low. The Maine shrimp market is also soft. Then the State of Maine cut back the scallop season, and put restrictions on where the scallops could be harvested from. Fisherman are self-employed, self insured....and cannot collect unemployment. It is a sad state of affairs.

We will do our part at the Log Cabin Island Inn to support the local fisherman. We ran lobster specials last season, and purchased many lobsters to pick and freeze. So, when you come to stay with us, please enjoy the local seafood (lobster, shrimp and scallops) not just to please your taste buds, but to support the fishing industry!

So long for now from Bailey Island!


Monday, March 9, 2009


It is snowing once again here on Bailey Island. But, the phone and emails are busy. I have taken 2 reservations in the last hour, and have other folks to call later on today. Hurrah!

I received an email from some B&B consultants this past week about the need for optimism in these times. Boy, is that the truth! The media has been bombarding us all with "doom and gloom". Certainly, there is a lot of bad news with the economy. But wouldn't we be better off trying to see the glass half full? I do not mean to dismiss the fact that many folks are facing severe difficulties. Those of us that are still working need to value what we do have. It is also a time to reach out to those in need.

11 days until spring!
25 days until we open!

Sincere thanks to all of our wonderful guests!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Maine weather

I was asked yesterday what the weather would be like in answer.....unpredictable. Two days ago, 99% of the snow was gone in my yard. Right now, we have a foot of new snow and it is still snowing. This is March?

Recently I received a catalog from Down East books. In it is a book about why Maine weather is so unpredictable. I think I will order it for our gift shop. Maybe if I read it , I can give an intelligent answer when asked about the weather.

Speaking of the gift shop, I just signed up for the New England gift show which is in Portland in March. So, everyone is gearing up for the new season. There are so many talented artisans in Maine, the show is always fun.

Well, we open in 35 days! Let's hope the snow melts once again!