Rain, rain and more rain. It seems two years ago in June all it did was rain. I am glad the guests are visiting us despite the rain. No Vacancy this weekend. Sue likes the rain because it is less work for her with all those flowers to water. One of my favorite flowers has made an appearance this week, the Peonie. It always reminds me of my Grandmother and all her bushes when I was growing up.
I made a very yummy Lobster Newburg this evening for some long time guests celebrating their Anniversary. I even snuck in some kohlrabi I got at the Farm Share in their salad. They topped off Dinner with Strawberry Rhubarb Pie and Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream, a true Maine Feast.
A Swedish firm called Molnlycke has broke ground at Brunswick Landing ( former Navy Base) this week. It is a Health Care firm that will manufacture Medical Supplies. They propose a 79,000 sq foot research and production facility with more than 100 new jobs.The pace of the base redevelopment has reached unprecedented levels in comparison to similar projects at other closing Military properties. It is great to hear planes flying again. One gentleman flew in from Ohio this week so he could go shopping at LL Bean and take back some lobster. This is all such a boost to the local economy which finds its way to Harpswell.
It is the start of Strawberry Season here in Maine. I challenge any guest to go to one of our local U Pick Strawberry Fields, bring me back the Strawberry's and I will make you a Pie. I may be sorry I said this.