The first weekend of fall started out foggy and rainy. Then it ended up hot and sunny. Neal and I went north this weekend to the Sugarloaf area for the first time in 5 years(I know, we are boring). I first started to notice some color in the trees when we hit the Maine Turnpike in Augusta. Then the further north we went, the color intensified. Around the Belgrade Lakes area and up Route 27 towards Kingfield is quite beautiful right now. I would not say peak, but close.
The Inn has been full almost the whole month of September. We do have a couple rooms open during the week this week. Then the first 2 weeks of October are almost completely full occasional opening. We really have had a super season. I cannot believe we are only open for another 5 weeks!! Where does the time go??
Well, I must go cook come the guests! Hope all is well with all of you, Sue