Well, election day is finally here. Those of us on Orr's and Bailey Island vote at this cute little building....the Old Orr's Island Schoolhouse. Every year, the same folks work at the polls (a job my Mom used to love to do). Over 1000 of the 4000 registered voters in Harpswell voted early. A friend of mine processed the absentee votes yesterday. Unfortunately, she does not know the results! Well, we should know most of the results tonight or tomorrow--we hope!
We have been closed for 8 days, survived Hurricane Sandy, and are now braced for a nor'easter this week. My thoughts and prayers go to all of the folks in the devastated areas that suffered so from the recent hurricane. We were very fortunate here in Maine.
We have started to make our "winter repair list" for the Inn. It is quite a list....it is every year. Should keep Matt and Aimee busy! My other son, Adam will be working on it also. It is a good thing we are seasonal so we can keep up with all the repairs!
I hope you all got out to vote, and know that at least some of us will be happy with the results! Stay safe, happy and healthy! Sue