Friday, March 14, 2014

21 days until we open!

Here are a couple shots from the Inn today. As you can see, it is beautiful and clear out! We kind of lucked out from this last storm....just got about an inch of snow. As much as I tell people how beautiful the color of the water is against the snow in the winter....enough is enough! I am ready for green grass and flowers.
Speaking of flowers, 2 people posted on Facebook that their bulbs were coming up already on Bailey Island. So, of course, I ran up to the Inn and checked our many gardens. But, they are all still snow covered. It is melting today, and suppose to be 40 tomorrow. I will go back and check then. Will keep you posted!
Well, the Harpswell town meeting is tomorrow. Big crowds expected as the Cedar Beach issue is on the schedule. Hopefully, there will be a good end to the controversy over the beach. It sure has been an issue here in town. Will keep you posted on that as well.
Reservations are pouring soon if you have not. We are filling up!! I can barely keep up with phone, email and confirmations.
Giant Stairs grill and Cooks restaurants are back open. We are going to one or the other for dinner. Think we'll flip a coin!
Hope to see you all this season!! Sue
P.S. I am so excited to open for our 34th year.