Monday, April 28, 2014

Not Really Spring

  It's  Alicia and I am back from Florida! It was an Amazing and warm Winter. I can't talk to much about it because people in Maine get all upset and go on and on about the snow and cold. Which of course I sympathize with when I am paying the snow plow bill for a house I am not at . However I do not get any sympathy when I complain how Hot it was down there :)

It always feels great to return and see my coworkers that I have missed over the Winter and checkout the new items in the rooms. It is hard to pick a favorite thing but on the top of the list is the new vanity in the Sunset Room, the new carpet in the Dining Room and AC in the rooms. Last Summer was so Hot we started AC in some rooms and have now finished. This Summer will be cool I am sure and we will not need them. Another great thing when I came back ( April 17) we already had some of our regular customers at the Inn. Now the Room Guests are here before me!! I was also surprised how busy we have been for April. I will have to check with Sue but I think the occupancy has been higher than past April's.

Some of you may be aware that the Maine Shrimp Season was closed this year so we have adapted our Dinner Menu and the items that had Maine Shrimp in them. I am excited about the Stuffed Haddock with Lobster Sauce, it looks so yummy.

The Daffodils are on the verge of opening, maybe this week. Some other buds are poking their way through. I am excited about the new border Matt just put in around the front flower garden and the sign. May 1 is right around the corner and I can just see Sue out at the Garden Shops at any moment and filling up my dish corner with plants!