Area Residents were in for an educational treat this weekend when Replicas of Christopher Columbus's Ships the Nina and the Pinta were docked at Dolphin Marina. The ships were open to the Public throughout the weekend. The Nina was built by hand without any power tools. It is considered to be the most historically correct Columbus replica ever built. The Pinta was built in Brazil and is larger. After their stay at the Dolphin the ships will then be in Camden and Portland and continue on their tour. As you can see Christopher Columbus was met by Danny, Terrence and Josh.
Speaking of Sailing Ships, the Windjammer Days start in Boothbay this week. It is quite a sight to see all those Sails coming in during the parade of ships. Bailey Island's own Alert Schooner will be Sailing this year. The pool is finally seeing some use with a few warm days and a repaired pool heather. Now that School is finally out I am sure a few of our resident kids will take advantage.
If you are here around July 4th, Cooks Restaurant will hold their Fireworks on July 3rd this year. We have some rooms still available for July so don't be shy and give a call.