It is hard to believe this is the last week of August. We must say Good Bye to Emily, she is back to her Senior Year in College. We hope that she comes back to us full time next Summer.I did not have to make the girls lunch today because we celebrated Emily's last day with TakeOut and even her Mom came. The kids here start school on Monday. Danny in First Grade, Josh in Nursery School and Terrence 1 day a week at Time for Two's.
We had some unbelievable Storm Surge from Hurricane Bill on Sunday. There was more traffic at Lands End than I have seen in a long time watching the surf. More than 12 people got swept away by a Rogue Wave at Acadia National Park when they were to close to the edge and a poor 7 year old girl died. If it wasn't bad enough for the Lobstermen they continued to lose traps from the storm. One fisherman in Penobscot Bay lost 120 traps. Now it looks like Saturday we will have a little rain from Tropical Storm Danny.
Sue just told me that another Yacht went by the window headed for Cooks. This one is about 80ft and has a Blue Hull. She will be happy to know that I was working and therefore did not get a photo. What I do have is a photo (above) of a gift from the O'Hara's one for each of us. I thought the Santa Claus Suit was the strangest gift of the year but this ranks right up there. I am going to read off the label from the spoon because even I can't give it a good description. "Pennsylvania Dutch Bean Spoon" Directions: Place Spoon in pot while cooking any kind of beans. Do not remove Spoon,it will help take the gas out of the beans. The little farts will climb the ladder and jump over the side. OKKKK so I am not making this up. The Newcombs brought us some Homemade Chocolate Sauce and I just may stir it up with my new wooden spoon.
This week we have been very busy in the Dining Room,lots of people eating and that is what we like. I picked some lettuce, cherry tomato's,rosemary,cucumbers and parsley for Dinner tonight. Speaking of Dinner I am making a pistachio crusted Wild Salmon.
The answer to last weeks poll is Massachusetts which 46% of you guessed right. The next most popular State is NH and then NY. Speaking of MA rest in peace Ted Kennedy.
Our schedule is changing now so I will have to do my blogs on Saturday. Just in case I really have any followers start looking for me on Saturday's.