Today is such a glorious day with the sun shinning and a slight breeze. It was just like Sept 11th nine years ago. It was one of those days that everyone will remember and I am no different. Jon and I were still working on a Yacht together and we had just left Montauk, Long Island, NY headed to Nantucket when we heard. We just couldn't believe it, our Boss at the time owned all the fiber optics layed in NYC and his office was Downtown. We tried several times to reach him but all phone lines were tied up. Finally the next day we heard that he was safe and not yet made it to work when the Towers came down. A very good friend of ours, Larry Silverstein owned the Twin Towers. The devastation that he and his family had to endure was unbearable. They have already rebuilt 7 World Trade Plaza and have tenants occupying the building. It is truly a beautiful place with a park and art work every where. It has been a painful process dealing with the Port Authority on the Twin Tower location but progress is being made there on the rebuild as well. God Bless the families that lost loved ones and the Hero's that are still with us.
As I reflect on this day I am grateful for my beautiful family and the happy and magnificent place that I work at.
The poll question was almost a landslide, 90% of the people were correct that Danny is in Second Grade, and lovin it. Josh and Terrence started Nursery School this week and after a rough start Josh is still going and Terrence would go every day.
PS. Just so you are not confused, Alicia wrote this post, not Sue.