We have the best guests in the world. I don't know how we are so lucky......but our clientele is just super. We have so many "repeats" now, that it is like having one big, extended family! We had some new guests stay with us this week, because their GPS sent them down the wrong peninsula! And, they loved it here, and we loved them as well! Sometimes I think the Inn puts off some kind of vibe that attracts these wonderful folks. Laura has said that if a "not so desirable person" (not her exact words, but you get the idea) Googles the Log Cabin it comes up "Page not found". I think she is right! Anyhow, we sure do appreciate and enjoy our folks.
Perhaps that is one reason I love to come to work every day. Of course, our crew is pretty spectacular as well! Matt, Aimee, Alicia, Laura and soon to be Shelby, are a treat to be around. It really is a privilege to have a "job" that you thoroughly like. So, I say a huge Thank You to all of our guests, and our special crew. I am one lucky lady to be able to spend time with all of you! Sue