Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Coconut Cake

Hi, it is Alicia. I know it is not time for a new blog and it is actually Sue's turn but this is a "Special Addition". Our room guests Kim and Kathy brought me 2 whole coconuts as a Culinary Challenge. I figured what is so hard about cooking with 2 coconuts, 4hrs later..... I really wish I wasn't here alone that night because if someone had this on video it would have been the hottest thing on U Tube. Picture me with a Philip's screwdriver and hammer whacking away at the " eye" of the coconut. Then with the back side of a butchers knife trying to get it open. I kept eyeing the bag of shredded coconut I had under the bakers table the whole time I was doing this.

Thinking the hardest part was over I then realized I have to get the coconut out of the shell, peel the outer skin and then grate and shred it. At the same time I was contemplating all this another guest came into the Kitchen talking to me while drinking her Martini and I almost asked her if I could have some.

In the end the cake came out great. Kim and Kathy were very happy and so was I when they gave me a gift card to get books I can use on my Kindle. Next Coconut Cake is coming from the store.

But I am cooking a Blueberry Pie right now.

Bon Apettit