Saturday, October 1, 2011


You should be able to tell that it is Apple Season here in Maine. Apple Pie for Dessert last night and homemade warm Applesauce at Breakfast this morning. Sue was also making an Apple Crisp for her home today. Sue's baking doesn't happen often but since there wasn't a crust involved Neal should be safe. Speaking of Sue, Aimee and I are reminded daily ( by Sue) that it is her Birthday this week, the 5th. Last year we planned a Big Bash so she said we didn't have to go Big this year but she would like a luncheon and homemade pie, hint hint.

Big things are happening across town at Mitchell Field. Plans are being formed for the Harpswell Oceanic Center. This will be a sustainable fish hatchery focusing on education and research. This facility will be searching for a way to build an aquaculture facility that replaces mechanical water filters with organic filters like worms,algae and shellfish. Mitchell Field is a great location with easy public access, the pier and beach all right there.

September was a crazy busy month at the Inn. It seemed like we were busier than July. I know a lot more people were eating Dinner and I don't blame them. The Sun is setting at about 6:25 and it has been the most Beautiful Fall Sunsets ever. It is sad to think we are open only 28 more days this Season.

Take Care... Alicia