Monday, October 17, 2011


On a Beautiful Warm October day last week Terrence, my Mom and I drove North on Rt.1 to see the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse. We stopped at Shaws Wharf in New Harbor and had the most wonderful lunch out on the dock. Not often that you can wear shorts in October in Maine and still be Hot. On the way back we stopped in Damriscotta at the PumpkinFest. This was one of the most amazing sights. There were over 50 Pumpkins lining Main St. all designed in different genres. As you can see in the one above, that is the Sandwich Shop Pumpkin. This will be a definite stop for next year.

I started to think, only 2 more weeks before we close for the season and already I am starting to miss our wonderful guests who are more like family than they are customers. I said Good Bye to Jean and Carl this week, whom I am not sure they would like it but are like really cool grandparents. Doreen and Joe are leaving today and I would have to say Doreen gets the award for the most visits per year. Curt and Kathleen are back in NY not to be seen from again til April. The Taylor's are here today celebrating yet another Anniversary with us. The point is I could go on and on every day about the guests we have that day and what they mean to us/ me. It is comforting that they are truly interested in where my husband is traveling and how Terrence is doing at school and what strange thing he is eating this week. In the next two weeks I will be savoring every conversation until next year.
