This past weekend my very good friend , Deb and her beau, Ray came to visit. We have been the best of friends since we were 10 years old. Not to give my age away, but that is for 48 years!!! (This is Sue by the way--not Alicia)
If you have been following the blog, you know that the weather has been horrible this year. The prediction for the weekend was "iffy". But, the good Lord must have decided that Deb needed a nice, fun, sunny day. That is just what we got on Saturday, the day of this picture. We had a lobster bake and visited with friends and family.
Debs beau, Ray, I have also known since age 15--when they dated in high school. Their lives went separate ways for many years, but they have reconnected once again, all these years later. This is very exciting for me because Ray is a great guy and Deb will be very happy.
This week Neal and I will drive over to New Hampshire to see Debs parents, who are my "second" parents. They are the nicest people in the world! They also love lobster so we will of course bring some along.
Friends are a real blessing. To have a great friend for 48 years is a priceless gift.
Thanks to all of our friends!! Sue